Party planning

Who of you folks wound the clock – or what is the right time for a child’s birthday party?

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When the party day has finally been set, the pondering usually starts all over again. When should the party start? Who will have their nap when, who will get tired earlier, will the kids last long enough in the afternoon, etc.? The “bad” news is that we can’t give you a perfect time. BUT orientation for planning – based on our experience – we are happy to give!

First and foremost, choose a time for your child’s party that is appropriate for you and your family. You will be hard pressed to identify a time that all of your guests will feel fits their children’s nap times and habits. Some kids still nap, others don’t, some are early risers, others don’t really get active until the afternoon. The spotlight on this day is the birthday child.

Party in the morning

Experience has shown that younger children up to the age of 4 like to party in the morning. Why?

  • Most of them already get up with the chickens in the morning, are immediately full of energy and need action. So a party to play with their friends is just what they need.
  • The waiting time, during which the birthday child and party guests get impatient and fussy, is shortened to the maximum. Get up, brush your teeth, eat breakfast and get in the car or on the subway …. Never get bored.
  • For mom and dad, a morning party always means less organizational effort and fewer costs for catering. Cake, coffee and possibly a few sweets or small snacks for the children are quite enough.
  • If you want to end the party with a small snack for the children, they will start their nap not only exhausted but also full. Your guest parents will be grateful!
  • After a morning full of action, the nap will be extensive on this day! Falling asleep quickly is preprogrammed!
  • After the nap, the whole day belongs to the family – the whole afternoon is available without restrictions!
Party at lunchtime

If the children are already a little older or no longer take a nap, parties that begin around noon are also suitable. Why can this also be cool?

  • If possible and according to individual wishes, the children start the party with a common ritual – e.g. a small midday snack.
  • The late risers have had enough time to sleep in, but don’t have to wait an eternity for the party to start later in the afternoon.
  • There are no limits to the culinary socializing with the other parents: Finger food, snacks, just cake, a glass of wine or still just coffee …. everything is possible. You can’t go wrong!
  • You have time to do your errands in the morning or after the party. The party fits into your daily schedule like an extended lunch break.
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Party in the late afternoon

As the children get older, they also last longer in the afternoon or early evening. Everything is possible, from a relaxed afternoon with cake and coffee to a party with a buffet. What does this mean for children and parents?

  • As the children get older, they also last longer in the afternoon or early evening. Everything• Sufficient preparation time for the hosts: prepare snacks, bake fresh muffins, cut fruit and vegetables …. everything can be made fresh á la minute. Stress-free!
  • Above all, guests can sleep in and use almost the entire day for family, errands or relaxation before heading to the party in the late afternoon.
  • At the party, everything is possible in terms of cuisine, from eating a cake to a snack buffet with a glass of Prosecco.
  • Extensive playing with all friends, the excitement around cake and gifts and possibly a dinner together are tiring. After the party, the free evening for mom and dad certainly starts earlier, because the little party tigers will fall into bed exhausted and full.
  • For all those who use the children’s birthday for an extensive, longer meeting with family & friends, you can also celebrate until the early evening.
    is possible, from a relaxed afternoon with cake and coffee to a party with a buffet. What does this mean for children and parents?
Our conclusion

Plan the time according to your needs. Include the sleeping time of the birthday child, the preparation time necessary for you and your wishes with regard to the culinary offer in your decision! It’s YOUR party – so it’s okay to focus on yourself and your requirements.